Thursday, August 29, 2013

Chapter 1.10: Around the World in 80 Days

Last Time: Celeste left Greta in charge of the house while her and Seth had to go away. A new addition to the family--a baby boy, Brand was born. 

Celeste woke up one Friday morning to find that it was indeed time for her to grow into an elder.While it was her time she didn't want to grow up just yet--she did still have a toddler to look after--how would she have the energy.

And it wasn't just the fact she wouldn't have the energy, it was also because she hasn't even tried to fulfill her lifetime wish of reaching 10 skill points in Photography.  
Her and Seth had been so busy with the kids and did not have the funds to even think about going overseas to buy a good camera.

A present arrived the exact same day but it wasn't for Celeste it was for her kids.  It was a university pack, so her children could see if they would be illegible for possible enrollment.  This package also came at a time where Celeste had to think about choosing her heir as she was now an elder.

Greta was the first one of the children to check out the package.  She fell right into the school spirit.

She did the test and it turns out she is well fit for the Arts degree.  She was thrilled not only for her future but also because it would impress her mother who was choosing an heir soon.

Ruby also tried the test and did not score as high as Greta.  Her mother was just thrilled she did the test at all. The test woke Ruby up to how much she really wanted to to to university.  Willow was not able to do the test yet as she was still a child and was jealous that her sisters were making a good impression with her mother as she desperately wanted to be heir to the Silverset legacy.

To try and empress their mother further both teens studied like they had never studied before.

Meanwhile, the two boys of the family Seth and Brand bonded.

While Seth knew it was a slim chance that Celeste would choose Brand to be heir he still hoped she would consider him and tried to teach him some skills that she would be impressed with.

 With all of Celeste's overwhelming feelings of becoming an elder she took Seth aside and told him she really wanted to try and fulfill her lifetime wish while she still could.

Celeste told him that it would mean that they would need to go overseas and Seth understood.

He said that even though funds were tight he would love to go over to Egypt with Celeste so she could begin taking photos so she could try and fulfill her wish before she passed.

Celeste took a selfie to celebrate.

As the kids had had practice being by themselves before it wasn't a big deal when Seth and Celeste left for Egypt.  It was also a chance for Celeste to clear her head before she chose an heir.

Both where happy to be doing something different with their lives and were excited for an adventure.

They stayed at a campsite that was home to many travelers from all over the world.

While Celeste wasn't taking photos she was trying out the local customs...

...exploring the local sites...

...and checking out the natural beauty of the place.

Seth meanwhile thought more of his stomach then the wonderful world surrounding him.

 He found a local vegetable that he grew fond of and cooked up every night by the fire.

This trip allowed the two to bond more and become more happy with themselves as they grow older.

The two parents came home to rebellious Greta smashing up a snowman.

To Ruby making friends with a cute boy...

...and talking to him about her collage aspersions...

...not to mention getting close to him--as she is a great kisser.

Willow was trying her best to improve her grades--trying to impress her mother.

Celeste always knew that Brand was too young to take on the responsibility of being heir but that didn't make her love the tacker any less.

Over the never few months she watched her children at work--doing what they loved.  As the very next day she was to choose her heir.
Greta flaunted her musical skills around, Celeste was impressed with how good her daughter was at playing the piano.

Willow impressed Celeste with her writing skills--she could now type 100 words per minute.

Even though her skills were not as high as they should be Ruby was impressing her mother with how much over the last year she has changed into an ambitious women.

Celeste decided to brainstorm with her husband about her heir.

They discussed the children and what traits Celeste's heir should highlight.

Seth brought up the fact that they should be neat and tidy.

They should be artistic.  This gave Celeste ideas.

Celeste also brought up the point of looking after and developing the house further.

They shouldn't be too much of a diva or in the spotlight to much--as both Seth and Celeste were they didn't want there children to be bothered by fame.

After a few minutes it was clear to Celeste who she would leave in charge of the Silverset legacy.

Find out who Celeste has handed over her legacy too.  How will the other children take it?  Will Celeste fulfill her lifetime want before her time is out?

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing who is the Chosen One!
    And good luck to Celeste fulfilling her LTW.
